Why nothing is wrong in saying Darwin theory is wrong

The powerful lobby of conventional scientists finds it difficult to accept that what they spent years in learning and teaching, the Darwinian theory of evolution, is indeed bogus but, with evolving science and growing number of independently intelligent and outspoken scientists, they do not have much choice. The days are not far when Darwin theory gets an official stamp of being obsolete


Are mainstream scientists, especially in India, about to lose their bread and butter? Why are they in panic over Union Minister Dr. Satyapal Singh’s bold remarks challenging the Darwin theory? We see organized attack on his statements and frantic attempts by scientists to prove them absurd, non-scientific and offensive. Some groups have even signed online petition criticizing him and politically motivated people have jumped their guns asking for the minister’s resignation.

This is incredible! Or is it ridiculous?

Understandably, it is an untold obligation on science students, professors and established scientist communities to accept and support what the popular science says. What is happening post Satyapal Singh’s statements only proves this.

Fortunately, not all scientists succumb to such unwarranted obligations. Not only Satyapal Singh, there are many mainstream scientists who have not only challenged Charles Darwin over his evolution theory but have proven him wrong.

“Darwin’s theory (of evolution of humans) is scientifically wrong. It needs to change in school and college curriculum. Since the man is seen on Earth he has always been a man,” he said while speaking to reporters on Friday in Aurangabad.

“Nobody, including our ancestors, in written or oral, have said they saw an ape turning into a man,” he said. “No books we have read or the tales told to us by our grandparents had such a mention,” the minister added. – Source

These apparently simple and non-scientific statements are strictly scientific, at least as per the modern definition of science. Modern science does not want to accept the existence of soul in the body. It also refuses to accept God‘s existence. Their argument is, they can see neither a soul nor God and so none of them exist as according to popular science, only what you see is truth. Using their own argument, if no one has seen an ape turning into human then Darwin theory is indeed wrong.

darwin theory wrong

That was just about what Dr. Singh said, but there are 100s of scholarly articles written by reputed mainstream scientists and archaeologists exposing serious flaws in Darwin theory and showing how it stands invalid in the eyes of science which uses ultra advanced technology to determine the authenticity of every floating theory.

“A new study has left the scientists dumbfounded. The findings are in sharp contrast to the ill-founded Darwin’s theory of evolution. Learning about human origins, for decades we have been taught that today’s men came from monkeys. There have been frantic efforts at the cost of billions of dollars and millions of human hours to prove this.

Fortunately, money cannot change the truth. The saying that 100 lies turn a lie into truth is a wishful dream and doesn’t stand valid especially when it comes to absolute truth. Because every lie is temporary by nature, the so-called truth derived from such lies is also temporary. Human origins was never a subject for debate a few thousand years ago; not because people were unintelligent but because they knew the science of evolution better than Darwin and his followers.” – Science accepts Vedic version of human origins


It is obviously difficult for the powerful lobby of conventional scientists to accept that what they spent years in learning and teaching, the Darwinian theory of evolution, is indeed bogus (sorry for being blunt) but, with evolving science and growing number of independently intelligent and outspoken scientists, they do not have much choice. The days are not far when Darwin theory gets an official stamp of being obsolete.

Personally I spent 100s of valuable human hours of my life studying Darwin theory. It was nothing more than a boring speculation. No surprise Srila Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON and the ambassador of India’s spiritual wisdom, has strongly condemned Darwin’s theory for all good reasons. It is a fact that such baseless atheistic theory should be removed from school curriculum as a compulsory subject.

Governments do not have any right to force students to study theories which are based on mere assumptions and lack substantial evidences.


Darwin himself has admitted that his theory is a speculation and it needs to be taken as such to fair to him and to those who do not want to waste any more time on it. Acknowledging his hard work is one thing but trying to forcefully establish a mere assumption as truth is throwing away time, money and energy.

From what the theory of evolution states, it seems likely that Charles Darwin studied some pages of India’s ancient scripture called the Vedas but got it wrong due to lack of spiritual intelligence. Looks like he tried to remove God from what he read and come up with something interesting but ended up making blunders which are now staring at him. The Vedic science does talk about evolution but it is different from what Darwin presented. It would be wise of today’s scientists to learn from the mistakes made in Darwinian theory of evolution instead of trying to criticize anyone who challenges it for the right cause.


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