Main causes of repeating California fires

Our sympathy goes to the wild animals, birds, reptiles, insects and other creatures in the forest as well as the suffering human beings who are unfortunately misguided by false atheistic propaganda which encourages them to commit sins without understanding the consequences


It’s outright ignorance to turn a blind eye to the root cause of such repeated devastating wildfires and look for political gain every single time things go terribly wrong in the country. Is this the time to criticize Trump’s climate policy or do something and pray for the affected ones? The official number of killed people in this year’s California fires is chasing three digits and the number of missing ones hovering around four digits. The blaze has reached 150,000 acres of land and left thousands homeless. That this is not in some so-called underdeveloped country shows the magnitude of the fire and the fury of the fire god.

Nature doesn’t negotiate! When she slaps she does it hard, and in return all that we can do is struggle to survive the aftermath. California fires is not a new thing to Americas just as floods and earthquakes are not new to Bangladesh and Japan. What annoys the most is, despite repeated warning from the nature, the people of third class intelligence go on with the life as if nothing is coming! Then they stare at the destruction pulling their hair out in trying to understand what went wrong. Incredibly foolish and irresponsible.

In the past when California fires unleashed its fury I wondered what if even a tiny portion of this American land were burnt by a Russian or Chinese missile! It could be catastrophic. The point remains the same even today and I will say it again. Humans have no power, whatsoever, to fight with mother nature. No protest can be made no matter how much the damage. And yet, the propaganda in the name of scientific advancement promoting godlessness goes on which invites more troubles from the nature, who works under the supervision of God.

california fires

What we are seeing today – the raging wildfires, devastating floods, devouring earthquakes, deadly hurricanes and exploding volcanoes – all of these are perfectly controlled by the material nature and the reason behind it is the sinful actions on the planet committed by the human beings.

Think of this.

The Earth is being tortured to the core. Environment is being messed around for decades. Agriculture is industrialized, rivers are blocked by monstrous dams, oceans are drilled for oil and minerals, rain clouds are throttled by pollution and poisonous gases, digging the Earth deeper for metal and coal resources has become a subject matter of auctions, forests are invaded by human population and wild animals are struggling to survive.


What more?

Human trafficking, selling of dead bodies and stolen organs, continuous rise of atheistic medical industry which ruthlessly torture and kill poor animals for research works, and criminal negligence of the basic rights of innocent and peaceful creature is being selfishly legalized. Add to it millions of trees and animals being slaughtered indiscriminately on regular basis, vulgarism is on all time high, chastity is rapidly vanishing, women are allured to give up modesty, and same gender marriages are considered freedom, The list of sins committed on the planet sees no end. (Read Earthquakes on steroids? Stop blaming the Earth!)


Let there be no doubt that the above mentioned and many other sinful activities are the root cause of natural calamities. This is clearly explained in the Vedic scriptures. The atheistic world does not want to accept this but the result will be more calamities. Compare this year’s California fire with the previous ones and you have the proof.

Our sympathy goes to the wild animals, birds, reptiles, insects and other creatures in the forest as well as the suffering human beings who are unfortunately misguided by false atheistic propaganda which encourages them to commit sins without understanding the consequences.

Someone may argue that if this is an act of god, why do the innocents also suffer? The fact is no innocent ever suffers. The confusion arises when we look only at the present life but in reality all of us have been taking births after births and suffering previous births’ sinful reactions. This fundamental knowledge is missing in the modern world and that is the cause of ongoing sufferings. It’s time rise above ignorance and get enlightened for a brighter future.


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