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Tag: Mayapur


Identifying forces behind diseased Indian Media and its sinking credibility

In recent years we have observed a serious lack of trust in Indian media reports. The reasons for this development are threefold, with unethical...

Previously thought age of Earth turns out to be wrong – It had to

Congratulations! At least they admitted it, once again, in the same pattern, that what they thought to be right, and what they taught most...

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur’s not-so-known contribution

History has witnessed the dark age that descended on earth after the disappearance of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. Those unable to understand...

Ayurvedic tips to stay calm during crisis

As habitual creatures, we find change very difficult to comprehend and accept at times.  Especially when situations are dramatically altered, practically overnight. As we...

History books challenged by mind-blowing underground ancient city

Distortion of history is not unknown to India, nor to the world. Whoever ruled the land, be it authoritarian kings or democratic governments, compromising historical...