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Team Mayapur Voice

Team Mayapur Voice

Here is why Indian Monsoon is becoming irregular

India, supposedly the land of piety, used to have regular monsoon but lately due to negligence of faithfully conducted Vedic rituals (yes!) the seasons have...

A strange UFO reported over Ohio military base

You may soon start hearing explanations from government authorities as to how what was seen, again, was not a UFO but something of no...

Whose fault? Gorilla shot dead to save a child who fell into the Exhibit

Are humans the only important creatures on the planet? That's what they seem to think. Looks like they have taken it for granted that...

Antibacterial resistance – Superbugs could kill every 3 seconds by 2050

If you still do not know what is superbugs, you need to read this right now. Antibiotic resistance is a phenomenon that cannot be...

Half-Lion Half-Man form appears! Devotees offer worship to Sri Narasimha

Reality does not change by negating it! What happened millions of years ago and what happens today in India and around the world has...

Shocking revelation! Medical errors third biggest killer in the US

It's no more a secret now. Since years medical errors have been killing patients around the world but hospital authorities and medical industry combine...

Builder of the collapsed Kolkata bridge says it was an act of God!

What could be more disgusting misuse of God's name than the builder of the under-construction bridge that collapsed killing around 25 people saying it was...

Exposed – “Moon rock” gifted to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is...

This had to happen. "It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," Telegraph quoted Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. And you can rest assured,...

In Pics – ISKCON Leadership Sanga at Sri Mayapur

Continuing with the tradition of last few years, ISKCON Sri Mayapur is hosting an 8-day long meetings of the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) ending...

PM Modi offers arati to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Gaudiya Math

All glories to Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! His mercy, flowing through His devotees, brought India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Kolkata for the 100th...


Tips to help students build and boost their self esteem

Self esteem is not arrogance. By its very definition, self esteem makes one confident of oneself and as a result the person develops genuine...

Science confirms Life on the Sun

Who on the Earth ever thought that life can exist on the Sun? As soon as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) received...

Self-development: Eliminating common barriers

In the world that we live in, the might seems to be always right. While the law of karma and the supreme will of...

Mysterious palace linked to King Arthur discovered in Cornwall, England

Ancient structures have always bewildered modern archaeologists, especially when they discard scriptural evidences as mythology. Scholars are well aware that governments across the world...
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Not-so-known side of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Thinking of Netaji Sri Subhas Chandra Bose naturally makes one think of a fearless leader, a true warrior by spirt and deeds, an emblem...