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Team Mayapur Voice

Team Mayapur Voice

Nature surprises environmentalists – Giant snowballs appear on a beach

The locals in the village of Nyda say they have never seen anything like this in the past. Some of the snowballs, which are...

Thanking Lord Dhanvantari, the Founder of Ayurveda, on Dhanteras

Diwali festival in India is a 5-day celebration starting from Dhanteras with every single day having its own significance. Out of this, on the...
drinking coca-cola and pepsi - representatinal image

Exposed: Coca-Cola and Pepsi paid millions to health organizations

Last year we published a post exposing how lavishly Coca-Cola spent on paid research works in order to make false claims that Coca-Cola consumption...

Negation cannot grant realization of the Absolute Truth – Bhaktivinod Thakur

Appearance of an acharya in this world is by no means an ordinary thing. Such acharyas are some of the most confidential servants of...

Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram

Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...

Narrow escape as bridge collapses in Himachal Pradesh due to heavy rainfall

There are times when questions like "what if" sends shiver down the spine. Quite often when a bridge collapses the casualty runs in hundreds....

British Googling “what is the E.U.” after voting to leave it?

Washington Post says yes, they were. IBTimes says No, there weren't. The issue is not really who is right and who is wrong; it...

Smart Readers’ Smart Choice | Page-a-day | Sri Isopanishad

Recently we were requested to add a special series where readers can read everyday one page of Vedic scriptures translated and commented upon by...

Mysterious palace linked to King Arthur discovered in Cornwall, England

Ancient structures have always bewildered modern archaeologists, especially when they discard scriptural evidences as mythology. Scholars are well aware that governments across the world...

Know this? Every mile you drive destroys forests

It's no joke! Did you know that the so-called manufacturers of all that we buy use natural resources as the main source?  This is...


Diwali thoughts

Why my heart went out to them this Diwali

As I was walking towards the temple to attend a special Diwali function, I noticed something unusual for this day. Diwali is known for...

Can’t sleep? Find out 7 ways to sleep better

In Ayurveda, Insomnia is known as Anidra. According to the Ayurvedic perspective, the doshas (Ayurvedic humors) responsible for this disease are Tarpak Kapha, Sadhak Pitta or Prana Vata. Tarpak Kapha is a sub-dosha of Kapha ....

Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram

Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...
panihati chida-dahi festival

Why Panihati chida-dahi festival is known as the festival of punishment

Panihati is the name of a village located in the state of West Bengal, on the banks of River Ganges (10 miles north of Kolkata)....
univerisity education essential?

High university degrees and foreign education essential for a leader?

This write-up is the result of a video clip, a part of which I recently happened to watch. Although carefully presented, the video was...