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Not only Milk, Cows Give Water
The title above is not about your 'skimmed' watered-down milk or the excess milk that safe, happy and healthy cows drop on grazing lands...
Financial security – Are we joining the bandwagon?
Today, the world has come to a stage where practically every person is made to believe, or compelled to think, that unless he has...
Questions on the submerged city of Dwarka haunts archaeologists
The headlines of this intriguing reads: "Could this forbidden ancient technology beneath the Arabian Sea force mankind to rewrite the history?" Analysis aside, after watching...
Handing an expensive gift to a child? Read this
So what is wrong if you can afford to present an expensive gift? Hmm... When we talk about gifts, it is not only about...
Did you know this about Gita Jayanti?
In present days, the word "jayanti" is loosely used for someone's birthday. However, this word is not meant for mortal beings. What most people...