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Critics court

Constructive criticisms and clarifications. Readers can judge. No offense.

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Connecting Emotions, Health and Spirituality

Lately we have been hearing varied opinions on how emotions, positive and negative, affect one's health. A decade or two back, if someone made...

Why ban on Ads exposing women is a good news

It's not about how women should look; it's about how they should be looked at. In a good news, London's mayor Sadiq Khan has...

Your brain pattern worsens when you lie – Here is the remedy

It is said that better to be hated for what we are than loved for what we are not. What does this imply? No...
Jagannath Ratha yatra

Hundreds of thousands pull Lord Jagannath’s Chariot despite pouring rain

It has always been a weekful of joyous devotional activities around the world for those who understand who Lord Jagannath is! Knowing that not...
Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharata

Did you know this about Gita Jayanti?

In present days, the word "jayanti" is loosely used for someone's birthday. However, this word is not meant for mortal beings. What most people...