Home Critics court

Critics court

Constructive criticisms and clarifications. Readers can judge. No offense.

One more Earthquake! Mother Earth is saying something

Earlier we said in this article that earthquake is not an accident. We also repeat, without being indifferent to those affected by it in Myanmar...

Moon bewilders scientists as they admit another BIG mistake

While it is good to admit past mistakes, such admittance is meaningful only when we learn from them without being proud of embarking on...

Earthquakes on Steroids? Stop blaming the Earth!

How many earthquakes? What's wrong with the Earth? Don't surprise if scientists remain clueless as ever. They will keep looking at their machines to ascertain...
raga minimum income guarantee

Minimum Income Guarantee – Political masterstroke or Historic blunder?

In a historic move, the Congress president Rahul Gandhi has promised what he called a minimum income guarantee for every poor person in India,...
India Pakistan friendship possible?

Tips to permanently improve India Pakistan relationship

With India's increasing influence in world politics, India Pakistan relationship has seen a greater interest from major world powers. It took central stage especially...

Who allowed wholesale killing of Australia’s iconic animals, Kangaroos?

I thought Australian government was thoughtful, but their recent claim that killing some 2000 kangaroos, out of about 60 millions in the country, will...
univerisity education essential?

High university degrees and foreign education essential for a leader?

This write-up is the result of a video clip, a part of which I recently happened to watch. Although carefully presented, the video was...

Are asteroids really a threat to Earth? Here is a reality check

The latest claim by modern scientists on an asteroid makes me tell you a joke. A child was sitting in his room continuously shredding papers....

Criticism – Don’t hate it; deal with it

We say we welcome constructive criticism. The question is, who decides if the criticism is constructive or not? Not everyone can easily see  good in...


Rivals can boost creativity. Don’t hate them!

The present trend towards rivals is, get rid of them, defame them, buy them off. How often do we realize that our rivals are our...
Jayapataka Swami

Sri Mayapur ISKCON celebrates His Holiness Jayapataka Swami’s 68th appearance day

ISKCON's Sri Mayapur center saw an unprecedented crowd in the temple on the 68th appearance day, called Vyas puja, celebration of His Holiness Jayapataka...

Bhakti yoga – Myths, Facts, and what makes it the Topmost yoga

As the world, frustrated over temporary material happiness, cautiously turns towards spirituality, it is sure to find a new hope in life. At the...

Muhammad Ali’s Mightiest Punch – A humble tribute to a “Humble Mountain”

“I am the greatest! I am the greatest! I’m the greatest,” shouted Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., who later became known as the great Muhammad...

Mundaners can never understand Radha and Krishna

Radhastami is the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the divine pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna. Below is the transcription...