Home Critics court

Critics court

Constructive criticisms and clarifications. Readers can judge. No offense.

Good and Bad of Onion and Garlic – A comprehensive analysis

It is quite easy to find health benefits of a particular food item especially when we like its taste. This is the reason modern food...

Ganga cleaning project – Supreme Court raises eyebrows again

These are the types of headlines that show India's actual growth. Industrialism is one thing but development is another. Industrialism has never been a...
News agencies in India

Anti-Modi news agencies and what they need to learn

Chanakya Pandit says that out of the two- a snake and an envious person- the envious person is more dangerous than the snake because...

Here they go again- Ghost of Big Bang haunts scientists

Last time they tried it and thought they made it. Then came controversies and debates. Some scientists said they got what they were looking...

Antibacterial resistance – Superbugs could kill every 3 seconds by 2050

If you still do not know what is superbugs, you need to read this right now. Antibiotic resistance is a phenomenon that cannot be...

How Ma Durga clears many misconceptions about female energy

Every Durga puja we experience a fresh air of enthusiasm and excitement in the atmosphere. This is not just religious sentiments as some people,...

Universe a most advanced Computer simulation? Scientists debate

Believe it or not, one of the latest debates among scientists today is whether the universe we live in is a sophisticated simulation. Vaah! That's...
univerisity education essential?

High university degrees and foreign education essential for a leader?

This write-up is the result of a video clip, a part of which I recently happened to watch. Although carefully presented, the video was...
Galaxies - Representational image

Another setback for scientists – Previously thought number of galaxies turns out to be...

It is said that making mistakes is human but blaming others for the mistake is even more human. The question is, who it is...
booms heard across the world in 2017

Frightening booms heard across the world – NASA doesn’t know what it is

Frighteningly loud booms heard around the world have baffled experts. No one knows where the mystical booms are originating from. Even NASA has admitted...


Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is -3

If the state government were to announce today that anyone who has lived in India for six months will get one million gold coins...

Negation cannot grant realization of the Absolute Truth – Bhaktivinod Thakur

Appearance of an acharya in this world is by no means an ordinary thing. Such acharyas are some of the most confidential servants of...

Managing Anger is an Essential Art

Do you ever get angry? :-) To some people anger is a daily experience and to some it’s an occasional one. Nonetheless, in both...
being positive

Being positive? Run this self test

Being positive is a buzzword these days. Thanks to the new era when on one hand people are degrading, on the other hand some...

Key to success in Yoga and Meditation

As yoga awareness increases, more people are joining meditation classes and reading yoga books. It is a fact that yoga and meditation, when conducted...