Economics and Politics

News and articles about Politics that may affect the Sankirtan movement.

black money holders sent for a six

Philosophy in action – PM Modi’s masterstroke sends black money holders for a Six

Shocked to learn Narendra Modi's announcement saying 500 and 1000 Rupee notes will become illegal from that same midnight? Expect more such concrete and...
drinking coca-cola and pepsi - representatinal image

Exposed: Coca-Cola and Pepsi paid millions to health organizations

Last year we published a post exposing how lavishly Coca-Cola spent on paid research works in order to make false claims that Coca-Cola consumption...

Shame on Indians who doubt India’s Surgical strike for political gain

Starting 1947 when Britishers successfully manged to divide India by creating hatred between Hindus and Muslims, India has seen a constant flow of cross-border...

Reasons why UK’s National Health Service is in danger

Where are the Britons heading after they voted to leave EU? The recent reports on the National Health Service (NHS) is worrying enough especially...

Cow protection and the vigilantes – What’s there in PM Modi’s mind?

Thanks to Narendra Modi's government, cow protection has lately become the talk of the town. His recent remarks condemning violence and business in the...

Identifying forces behind diseased Indian Media and its sinking credibility

In recent years we have observed a serious lack of trust in Indian media reports. The reasons for this development are threefold, with unethical...

Kabali craze synonymizes with simulated madness

If you are a fan of Rajinikanth, you may be surprised that I heard of Kabali only a couple of days back. For good...

HAARP, possible cause for India’s dwindling agriculture resources

A shocking report by Indian Council of Agriculture Research has strengthened an already existing theory that blames the US developed High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme,...

Reasons why Cows are entitled to roam on Indian roads

Cows roaming on Indian roads may have attracted some criticism but no criticism should force us to deviate from our duty. This is particularly...

Brexit – Beaten Britain or Fall of Europe?

Out of curiosity, today I Googled "Brexit" and found a whooping ~14,40,00,000 results in 0.43 seconds. Compared to that, the word "economy" returned about...


Did you know this about Srila Prabhupada?

Do you know that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada is the only person in the known history of this planet to...

Tools to win over critics

Instead of avoiding critics how about winning over them? It's likely that they will end up becoming your fans one day although they may...

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 5

Recently a friend disturbed my firmly rooted illusion. He asked some group members to reveal what attracts them the most about Sri Mayapur. A...

Purushottam month – The pinnacle of all months

Hats off to the Vedic scriptures for being strikingly accurate in each and every prediction they have made. Not a single prediction has turned...

Earthquakes on Steroids? Stop blaming the Earth!

How many earthquakes? What's wrong with the Earth? Don't surprise if scientists remain clueless as ever. They will keep looking at their machines to ascertain...