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Religion and Spirituality

Articles inspiring religiosity and human culture on the planet.

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Rivals can boost creativity. Don’t hate them!

The present trend towards rivals is, get rid of them, defame them, buy them off. How often do we realize that our rivals are our...
lord nrsimha

Stunning 5-minute visuals of Lord Nrsimha Abhishek in Sridham Mayapur

This year was a special Nrsimha Chaturdashi festival in Sridham Mayapur. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government imposed lockdown, only a few devotees...

Knowing more about Srimati Radha on Radhastami day

Loved, directly or indirectly, by one and all, moving and non-moving beings, Srimati Radharani, more commonly known as Radha, Radhika, Radhe and many other...

Why you should not have any doubt in Vedic science

The difference between belief and knowledge is, a belief is based on assumptions and experiments but knowledge is based either on experience or on...

Cows are vital for Sustainable Agriculture

It has become alarmingly apparent that commercially farmed soils around the world are lifeless and inert. This is because of our total dependence on...