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Articles having permanent or timeless value.

Is that all Yoga has to offer?

Yoga, which was part of people's lifestyle before a few thousands or even few hundred years ago, is again becoming a buzzword in the...

Ayurvedic tips to stay calm during crisis

As habitual creatures, we find change very difficult to comprehend and accept at times.  Especially when situations are dramatically altered, practically overnight. As we...

Exposed – “Moon rock” gifted to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is...

This had to happen. "It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," Telegraph quoted Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. And you can rest assured,...

Transcendental Big Billion – Damodara month is here!

In this age, Kaliyuga, people have got used to tiny awards. If someone is offered, say a million dollars for a day of work,...

Space life without any personal space in our life!

Space technology has certainly become a household name in the recent days. Many nations (developed, developing and underdeveloped) possess their own Space programs and...
Srila Prabhupada - Bharat Ratna or Vishva Ratna

Srila Prabhupada – A Bharat Ratna Or Vishva Ratna?

Nations take pride in praising and promoting their heroes. While some great personalities are loved and adored only by their own countrymen or a...

Saying No to Alcohol goes beyond personal benefits

In addition to what I just posted on women destroying liquor factories, here are some compelling reasons why one should keep away from drinking...

Cow protection is not all about religious sentiments – It’s equally scientific

If you read one of our previous posts on how cows are wonder creatures for maintaining ecological balance on the planet and how products made...

Researchers get closer to Varnashrama dharma concept

A recently published news story quickly caught my attention. It suggested that there are principally four types of personalities. After carrying out a research project of...

Exposing pseudo sadhus is a service to humanity

Recently I wrote an article on how ethics are important in spiritual life and how a saintly person, or sadhu, also needs to follow...


Is Darwinian Theory obsolete?

The Darwinian theory was central in the separation of church doctrine and the State/Politics/Leadership as it offered an alternative to creation by God and...

India’s growth closely connected to a nationwide ban on cow slaughter

History shows that violence is a necessary element of good governance, but only as a last resort. Unfortunately, in the absence of righteous kings...

Do these huts have the clue to Earth’s magnetic pole reversals?

Patches of ground where huts were burned down in southern Africa contain a key mineral that recorded the magnetic field at the time of...
lord nrsimha

Stunning 5-minute visuals of Lord Nrsimha Abhishek in Sridham Mayapur

This year was a special Nrsimha Chaturdashi festival in Sridham Mayapur. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government imposed lockdown, only a few devotees...

Brexit – Beaten Britain or Fall of Europe?

Out of curiosity, today I Googled "Brexit" and found a whooping ~14,40,00,000 results in 0.43 seconds. Compared to that, the word "economy" returned about...