Is India awaiting a massive earthquake?

With due respect for our scientists friends, while there is no harm in taking precautions, learning from the pattern that we have seen over decades of observation on so-called scientific conclusions, it is likely that after a few years from now they come up with another conclusion stating that the previous theory was wrong.


Scientists suspect that a massive “fault” could trigger a cataclysmic earthquake beneath Bangladesh, parts of east India and Myanmar.

A subduction zone lying beneath Bangladesh, Myanmar and eastern India could release a massive magnitude 8.2 to 9.0 earthquake, new research suggests. The red line shows the areas where the fault is likely locked (Image Credit)

The hidden fault, which has been buried under miles of river sediment, could release an earthquake of magnitude 8.2 to 9.0 in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, the study found. And because researchers discovered the system relatively recently, they have no estimates for when such a megaquake could occur. “We don’t know if it’s tomorrow or if it’s not going to be for another 500 years,” said study co-author Michael Steckler, a geophysicist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University in New York City. (Source

Here is how they define a “fault line”:

In the low-lying, waterlogged country of Bangladesh, the mighty Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers meet and form the world’s largest delta, eventually draining into the Bay of Bengal. The flow of these two massive rivers deposits a gigaton of sediment every year, the researchers said. This constant overlay of sediment obscured the geology below the Ganges Delta. But in recent years, scientists have learned that tectonic plates are colliding beneath the eons worth of sediment. (Source)

Whether such a mega earthquake will take place is not a question here. Rather it is whether to take such theories seriously. In other words, if what they call a fault is indeed a fault. And if the fault is for real, whose fault is it? Nature cannot be wrong. There is no need to blame the Earth either. With due respect for our scientists friends, while there is no harm in taking precautions, learning from the pattern that we have seen over decades of observation on so-called scientific conclusions, it is likely that after a few years from now they come up with another conclusion stating that the previous theory was wrong.

As mentioned in another article here, earthquakes are not by accident. They are more of a well calculated action by the agents of nature in order to keep the earth safe, in balance, and to also flush out some due reactions in the form of natural calamities in exchange of sins committed on the planet. If there is indeed a fault under the Earth, and if a megaquake is due, it is to be understood that the nature is preparing to give another lesson to human beings so that they learn to live in harmony with nature without thoughtlessly creating ecological imbalance in the name of advancement.


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