Stunning 5-minute visuals of Lord Nrsimha Abhishek in Sridham Mayapur

It's only a 5 minutes 33 seconds video, so from the first to the last second all frames are unmissable. Watch and you will know it. Using headphones will make it even more relishable.


This year was a special Nrsimha Chaturdashi festival in Sridham Mayapur. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government imposed lockdown, only a few devotees were able to be present in the temple during the abhishek ceremony. This gave me an opportunity to watch the abhishek online on Mayapur TV. It was so beautiful that I decided to make a short, few minutes video with highlights of the event for all devotees’ pleasure.

Since I had to use only screen captures, I could not get the best resolution or viewing angles but nonetheless what I gathered was good enough to make a stunning video with carefully edited content, added visuals and sound effects.

It’s only a 5 minutes 33 seconds video, so from the first to the last second all frames are unmissable. Watch and you will know it. Using headphones will make it even more relishable.  And don’t forget to forward and share with friends and families so they also can take darshan and of this wonderful event.

Sri Nrsimha Bhagavan ki jay!


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