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Science and Technology

Vedic science, modern science, ancient technology called mantra vidya, yantra vidya, or modern technology called machines, computers, etc.

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need for animal shelters

Need for Animal Shelters in India

The presence of large number of animals that roam the streets of villages and cities in India is unfortunately the result of lack of...

Swine Flu – Symptoms and Tips to follow

With the total number of deaths due to swine flu heading towards 1000 and over 15,000 people affected with the H1N1 virus across India,...

Time according to the Vedas is not what you think!

We normally imagine time as a line that started at some point and stretches indefinitely. This affects even our language, with words such as...

What do the new World Records by ISKCON show?

In June 2015, on the first of its kind Yoga day, the world witnessed a magnificent display of Yoga in New Delhi when it...
hitler mystery

Massive cover up on Hitler’s departure? “Harald Hitler” arrested

Unknown to millions, a new theory suggests that Adolf Hitler did not die the way it is being taught and believed all these years. The...