Home Science and Technology

Science and Technology

Vedic science, modern science, ancient technology called mantra vidya, yantra vidya, or modern technology called machines, computers, etc.

alien spaceship

Aliens? What the ancient Vedas say about extraterrestrial life

In his famous book, “Chariots of the Gods?” Erich von Däniken raises the hypothesis that members of an advanced civilization had visited our planet...

Coronavirus – Curse, Conspiracy or Karmic reaction?

With Coronavirus inflicted Covid-19 sweeping the world the internet and social media are flooded with Coronavirus related news, fake news, information, disinformation, misinformation, speculations,...
california fires

Main causes of repeating California fires

It's outright ignorance to turn a blind eye to the root cause of such repeated devastating wildfires and look for political gain every single...
yoga day 2018

Silver lining in global health sector as India pitches for Yoga

One more international yoga day and India's ancient science of Yoga practice offering immense health benefits and boost to spiritual awakening has seen a...
is this how aliens look?

If aliens can watch us how can they be less advanced?

As a result of increasing number of UFO sightings, recently we have seen number of theories floating in the cyberspace strongly proposing aliens do...
darwin theory wrong

Why nothing is wrong in saying Darwin theory is wrong

Are mainstream scientists, especially in India, about to lose their bread and butter? Why are they in panic over Union Minister Dr. Satyapal Singh's...
booms heard across the world in 2017

Frightening booms heard across the world – NASA doesn’t know what it is

Frighteningly loud booms heard around the world have baffled experts. No one knows where the mystical booms are originating from. Even NASA has admitted...
universe a computer simulation?

Scientists debate if we are living in a simulated universe controlled by someone else

Last year we published an article on the latest debate among some of the mainstream scientists and philosophers about the origin of the universe...
milky way galaxy

Scientists puzzled – Milky Way is different from what they previously thought

There are numerous theories presented by modern scientists on what exactly the Milky Way galaxy is, how it behaves and how its behavior can...
mexico earthquake

What does the Mexico earthquake tell us?

Number of Earthquakes is on the rise across the world. Killings 100s, sometimes 1000s, and making tens of thousands homeless, these earthquakes stand to...


Go after them wherever they go – Serve them justice

I found the following news article interesting and thought it's a good news from the Reserve Bank of India.  India needs to crack down...

Philosophy of effective leadership – Check your list

A quote from Mr Disney caught my attention. He said "When values are clear decisions are easy.”  Profound, isn't it? Decision making is an...
Kartik month ghee lamps

Month full of Dancing – What makes Kartik month so special?

We have heard of people dancing on the new year day, on birthdays, in clubs and in parties. Such dancing lasts for a day...

Soaring Indian economy but Modi faces tough road ahead

This is inevitable when economy is based on industrialism. We have been saying this all along. Not that Modi is not doing his best...
bhaktivinod thakur

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and his glorious contribution to the Sankirtan movement

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, formerly known as Kedarnath Datta, was born in 1838 in Birnagar, West Bengal. Growing up, Kedarnath Datta preferred to sit and...