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Science and Technology

Vedic science, modern science, ancient technology called mantra vidya, yantra vidya, or modern technology called machines, computers, etc.


BhaktiAi: A Gateway to Srila Prabhupada’s Teachings for the Digital Generation

Here is an exciting announcement! I am delighted to introduce BhaktiAi, a powerful preaching tool that is now operational within ChatGPT, the most advanced and...

Here they go again- Ghost of Big Bang haunts scientists

Last time they tried it and thought they made it. Then came controversies and debates. Some scientists said they got what they were looking...

One step closer to Vedic version of extraterrestrial life

Before we read what the modern scientists have recently said, let us see what Srila Prabhupada said quoting Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna...

Evidence of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein found

Every time, the fist question coming to mind when we hear about a "discovery" by modern science is, whether it is really a discovery...

Digital India – A digital dream

Will it be possible to replace the good old papers with digital screens? While government of India's new project, Digital India, may be exciting...

“Reject them. Reject them immediately!”

Scientists admit they were wrong. Millions have died as a result of this mistake. In 2014 TIME Magazine published on its cover recanting a very...

Coronavirus – Curse, Conspiracy or Karmic reaction?

With Coronavirus inflicted Covid-19 sweeping the world the internet and social media are flooded with Coronavirus related news, fake news, information, disinformation, misinformation, speculations,...

Save More Time This Year – 8 practical ways

Scarcity of time has always been an issue for the modern men and women. I am not an exception either although I don't like...

Scientists say water clouds found beyond Solar system

For the first time ever, astronomers have found strong evidence of water clouds on a bodyoutside the solar system. New observations of a frigid...

Exposed – “Moon rock” gifted to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is...

This had to happen. "It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," Telegraph quoted Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation. And you can rest assured,...


whether god is partial

Closing the debate whether God is partial

The question whether God is partial is not new. You may find a good number of opinions and explanations  pertaining to it. People not...

Swine Flu – Ayurvedic viewpoint and cure

As the news updates on swine flu continue to make headlines in India, it is important that people also know how swine flu is...

Don’t let them steal your privacy

Seeing an unprecedented number of unscrupulous people going all out to exploit women's privacy, a few months back we posted a cautionary article in order...
The Lion Guru

Why a Guru is duty bound to accept lofty praise and worship

Srila Bhakatisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, hailed as the Lion Guru by those who know his strikingly bold presentation of Vedic philosophy, especially the teachings of...

Balarama Purnima – The Appearance day of Lord Balaram

Just like Lord Krishna's appearance day is known as Krishna Janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Balaram, who is the elder brother of Krishna,...