Home Science and Technology

Science and Technology

Vedic science, modern science, ancient technology called mantra vidya, yantra vidya, or modern technology called machines, computers, etc.

Your brain pattern worsens when you lie – Here is the remedy

It is said that better to be hated for what we are than loved for what we are not. What does this imply? No...

NASA researcher was right – Sanskrit is the best language for Cosmic communication

I have more than one reasons to bring this up again. Whether NASA has keen interest in Sanskrit texts or not is, I would...

Read this, Mothers and Sisters! Protect your privacy from hidden cameras around you

Her smartness saved her and will save many other women. She noticed a hidden camera fitted at distance in such a way that the...

Here they go again- Ghost of Big Bang haunts scientists

Last time they tried it and thought they made it. Then came controversies and debates. Some scientists said they got what they were looking...

NASA speculates Black hole may be producing mysterious particles

Although too far from the reality, NASA's latest speculation does remind me of a few verses from the Brahma samhita, the prayer by Lord...

ISKCON Delhi all set to add two new exhibits to its Vedic Museum

When people are forgetting to utilize their time in the most important aspect of human life, namely athato brahma jigyasa - inquiring about the...

Earthquake: Another alert from the agents of Nature

Earthquake is not an accident. Let us not shy away from stating that It is more of a well calculated action by the agents...

Another slap on the face of Big Bang theory

Scientists will have to wait longer to find out what kicked off the Big Bang. Last spring, a team of astronomers who go by...

Universe a most advanced Computer simulation? Scientists debate

Believe it or not, one of the latest debates among scientists today is whether the universe we live in is a sophisticated simulation. Vaah! That's...
Galaxies - Representational image

Another setback for scientists – Previously thought number of galaxies turns out to be...

It is said that making mistakes is human but blaming others for the mistake is even more human. The question is, who it is...


Yogapith in Sri Mayapur Navadip dham

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 7

Sometimes simple events can change the course of life. Some events can be reassuring and some re-enlightening. In almost all cases, what we learn...

Chemical aided agriculture Vs Natural ecosystems

For decades now factory produced fertilizers have been praised as the greatest gift to farmers.  But the negative after effects of such artificial interventions by men...

Thanking Lord Dhanvantari, the Founder of Ayurveda, on Dhanteras

Diwali festival in India is a 5-day celebration starting from Dhanteras with every single day having its own significance. Out of this, on the...
Life all well? Hold on

Do not ignore this when life seems all well

Like most of you, I also have met hundreds of thousands of people in my life. When we ask, "how are you?", depending on...

Stress – Its effect on health and how to beat it

They say there are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe they can make things happen and those who believe things happen...