Heart attack prevention camp at Bhaktivedanta Hospital


This is an old news. Please check the date of this post. 

Located near the ISKCON mandir at Sri Mayapur, Bhaktivedanta Hospital is offering, for the first time*, a unique, minimal cost Cardiac Consultation package as an Introductory offer for their upcoming Cardiac OPD setup. According to an announcement made by the head of the branch, Dr. Dipak Kumar Sarma (Dina Pavana Krishna das), the camp will be held from 30th June to 2nd July.

*Consultation by: Dr. Amal Kanti Sen MD DM (Cardiology)*
Internationally acclaimed Interventional Cardiologist from Dubai, UAE &
presently HOD of Dept. of Cardiology-Chalmeda Anandrao Institute of Medical

Services being offered:

1) Cardiac Consultation

2) 2D Echocardiography

3) Fasting Lipid Profile

4) Fasting Blood Sugar

5) ECG

Venue: Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mayapur.

Many citizens of Sri Mayapur are taking advantage of this camp. More information is awaited.


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