Mysterious palace linked to King Arthur discovered in Cornwall, England

One wonders what prevents them from going public on proven ancient realities, if not the fear of losing their reputation as being the ost intelligent civilization in human history.


Ancient structures have always bewildered modern archaeologists, especially when they discard scriptural evidences as mythology. Scholars are well aware that governments across the world have, for some reason, joined hands in concealing certain historical facts. In India, the mind-boggling underground city of Ellora and the mysterious underwater structures at Dwarka are just two famous examples.

But India is not the only country having a mystical history. Lately, there are number of ancient structures unearthed by archaeologists in other countries as well.  Stories linked with the so-called Dark Age legend King Arthur have just become more mysterious as the British archaeologists have discovered intriguing ruins of a royal palace at Tintagel in Cornwall.

“Scholars have long argued about whether King Arthur actually existed or whether he was in reality a legendary character formed through the conflation of a series of separate historical and mythological figures. But the discovery by English Heritage-funded archaeologists of a probable Dark Age palace at Tintagel will certainly trigger debate in Arthurian studies circles – because, in medieval tradition, Arthur was said to have been conceived at Tintagel as a result of an illicit union between a British King and the beautiful wife of a local ruler.

The account – probably based on an earlier legend – was written by a Welsh (or possibly Breton-originating) cleric called Geoffrey of Monmouth. The story forms part of his greatest work, Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), one of the most important books ever produced in the medieval world.

emilywhitfield-wicks-22-07-16-archeologydig-20Significantly, it was almost certainly completed by 1138 – at a time when the Tintagel promontory (where the probable Dark Age palace complex has been discovered) was uninhabited. The medieval castle, the ruins of which still stand today, was built almost a century later. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s assertion that King Arthur was conceived in an earlier by then long-abandoned great fortress on the site would potentially therefore have had to have come, in the main, from now long-lost earlier legends, claims or quasi-historical accounts.

The probable palace which the archaeologists have found appears to date from the 5th and 6th centuries AD – which would theoretically fit well with the traditional legends of King Arthur which placed him in precisely those centuries. Whether coincidence or not, the way in which the new evidence resonates with Britain’s most enduring and popular medieval legend is sure to generate renewed popular and scholarly interest in the site.

What the archaeologists have found is of major historical significance – irrespective of the veracity of any Arthurian connection. It’s the first time in Britain that really substantial buildings from the 5th and 6th centuries – the very heart of the Dark Ages – have been found. So far the excavations have revealed massive metre-thick masonry walls, steps and well-made slate flagstone floors.” (Read full story at Dark Ages royal palace discovered in Cornwall – in area closely linked to the legend of King Arthur | Archaeology | News | The Independent)

A question could be raised as to why this research work wasn’t taken up or, if it was, the findings were not disclosed, for this many years. As correctly pointed out in this article, the actual history of mankind is not the history that we study today in schools and universities. The sanskrit word “Purana” literally means very old. For example, Maha Bharat is one such purana describing historical events of ancient India, originally known as Bharat, which covered a much larger geographical area of the Earth than it does today.

But our friends at government quarters prefer to name such historical structures and events as mythology. Only when they are presented with gross evidences, and that too by their own researchers, do they want to accept such reports as noteworthy. In fact, even then they try to hide it or discontinue research work as it reportedly happened in the case of Dwarka city. One wonders what prevents them from going public on proven ancient realities, if not the fear of losing their reputation as being the most intelligent civilization in human history.



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