Health and Ayurveda

Health issues, cautionary notes, announcements, suggestions, and remedies.

Saying No to Alcohol goes beyond personal benefits

In addition to what I just posted on women destroying liquor factories, here are some compelling reasons why one should keep away from drinking...

Turmeric re-emerges as an excellent multipurpose medicinal herb

The latest research on turmeric says it can play a lead role in fighting HIV. Ancient medical science, Ayurveda, showers praises on turmeric for...

Understanding Kapha dosha in Ayurveda

The ancient healing system of Ayurveda provides us with the opportunity to take responsibility for our own healing.  One method is by allowing us...

Resolution for a healthy year and healthy life ahead – Turn to Ayurveda

Everyone wants to be healthy and wishes us a happy and healthy new year, every year, but how many of those who we wish...

Connecting Emotions, Health and Spirituality

Lately we have been hearing varied opinions on how emotions, positive and negative, affect one's health. A decade or two back, if someone made...

Yoga guru Iyengar honored by Google

Search giant Google honored yoga guru B K S Iyengar's 97th birth anniversary by posting a yoga posture doodle on its homepage.. Iyengar was born...

Understanding Pitta dosha in Ayurveda

Ayurveda operates on the principle of three constitutional types or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  The doshas are further differentiated by their qualities or...

Why obesity in US keeps rising despite so-called healthy diets

A latest report says Americans are eating healthier, but the changes in nutrition have not offered them any relief from higher levels of obesity. Funny...

Cure Fatty Liver Disease the Ayurveda way

The ability of Ayurveda to cure so-called incurable and terminal diseases has always amazed the modern medical science. Lately the Western world has taken...

Incredible health benefits of tender Coconut water

Coconut is a wonder fruit. Its health benefits are enormous. Moreover, tender coconut water is an incredible food supplement having all vital minerals and...


Identifying forces behind diseased Indian Media and its sinking credibility

In recent years we have observed a serious lack of trust in Indian media reports. The reasons for this development are threefold, with unethical...

Clay as mineral supplement – Even Chimpanzees know it!

It is only the modern human beings who have difficulties understanding the many wonders of mother nature. If you are fortunate enough to live...

HAARP, possible cause for India’s dwindling agriculture resources

A shocking report by Indian Council of Agriculture Research has strengthened an already existing theory that blames the US developed High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme,...
Simanta dvipa Deities - Sri Mayapur dham

Knowing Sri Mayapur As It Is – 11

Association invokes interest. Association also nourishes interest. Exactly the opposite, disassociation diminishes interest. Interestingly though, disassociation does not necessarily destroy interest, especially if the...

Mayapur devotees celebrate the appearance day of their Most Beloved Srimati Radharani

Sri Janmastami is celebrated with much grandeur all over the world, because it is the birthday celebration of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself....