Science and Technology

Vedic science, modern science, ancient technology called mantra vidya, yantra vidya, or modern technology called machines, computers, etc.

And the confusion multiplies… Hubble observations cast further doubts

Thanks to the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, some of the most mysterious cosmic residents have just become even more puzzling. New observations of globular clusters...

One step closer to Vedic version of extraterrestrial life

Before we read what the modern scientists have recently said, let us see what Srila Prabhupada said quoting Bhagavad Gita, spoken by Lord Krishna...

NASA speculates Black hole may be producing mysterious particles

Although too far from the reality, NASA's latest speculation does remind me of a few verses from the Brahma samhita, the prayer by Lord...

Modern scientists baffled again – Say the universe should have collapsed

Recently I read a news story on the Internet and thought it was interesting. Interesting because it referred to our modern scientist friends, who...


What caused the devastating California wildfire? 15000 acres engulfed in less than 10 hours

Did you register what the headline says? That's just a glimpse of the power of nature. Wildfire is not new to California just as...

Previously thought age of Earth turns out to be wrong – It had to

Congratulations! At least they admitted it, once again, in the same pattern, that what they thought to be right, and what they taught most...
lord nrsimha

Stunning 5-minute visuals of Lord Nrsimha Abhishek in Sridham Mayapur

This year was a special Nrsimha Chaturdashi festival in Sridham Mayapur. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and government imposed lockdown, only a few devotees...

Your choice of music reflects how you think

Ever thought what could be the underlying reasons for your choice of certain type of music? You perhaps like to hear what your friends do...

“Reject them. Reject them immediately!”

Scientists admit they were wrong. Millions have died as a result of this mistake. In 2014 TIME Magazine published on its cover recanting a very...