Your choice of music reflects how you think


Ever thought what could be the underlying reasons for your choice of certain type of music? You perhaps like to hear what your friends do and what the world does but you will find that some music you love to hear more. Why? The answer is not really that simple.

Just like every other thing of this world, every music, tune and song also has its own mode of nature, out of the three, i.e. mode of goodness, passion and ignorance, called in sanskrit, satva, rajas and tamas.

A mother playing the piano for her daughter
A mother playing the piano for her daughter

Not only music, your choice of color, your choice of games,friends, food, and practically everything else reflect which mode of nature influences you more. This, of course, is a Vedic understanding. The good thing is, now modern science too has come to understand that a person’s behavior or choice is not all that automatic or whimsical.

For example, research claims that your musical tastes reflect your thinking style. For example, a new study suggests that if you are drawn to take things apart to understand how they work, you likely prefer punk music.

 However, another way of looking at people’s minds is via so-called cognitive style, which ranges from empathetic to systemizing. Empathizers, on the one hand, are strongly interested in understanding others’ emotions and thoughts. At the other extreme, systemizers are more adept at identifying patterns and analyzing systems.

For the study, over 4,000 participants completed online questionnaires rating their agreement with such statements as “I can pick up quickly if someone says one thing but means another” or “If I were buying a stereo, I would want to know about its precise technical features.” Based on their answers, participants were scored somewhere on the spectrum from empathizer to systemizer. (You can take the test yourself here.)

Daniel Levitin, a musician, neuroscientist, and author of This is Your Brain on Music, feels that this study fits nicely into our broader understanding of how personal qualities shape our artistic inclinations. “This is situated within a series of studies that are pointing to the relationship of personalities and now brain styles… to an underlying aesthetic sense,” said Levitin. “Things that seem to have nothing to do with music can help us better understand musical preferences.”  Source: Your Musical Tastes Reflect Your Thinking Style


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